A year ago, I gave birth to a beautiful, 7.6 pound baby girl named Savanna Jo. It was an interesting day for I had woke up 4 or 4:30 in the morning to go to the bathroom and noticed I had wet underwear and a wet spot on the bed. I knew that there was no way I could have peed the bed. I woke Jesse up and told that it was time to go. I called my mom and told that it was time. We loaded the car up and stopped by Burger King to grab some breakfast for I was told that once I was at the hospital, I wouldn't be able to eat anything until after I had my baby.
We got to the hospital at about 5:30, I'm thinking and went upstairs to the delivery unit and I got into one of those hospital gowns. The lady had a little test strip that tells if the water has broken or not. Well, the test strip said that my water hadn't broken which I knew wasn't true for I knew there was no way I had peed my bed. Waited until about 7 for that was when the nurses changed and had another nurse who took my birthing plan and my info. It was just a waiting period until at about 9, when there was confirmation from the doctor that I was to be started on pitocin. I was told by the nurse that with them putting pitocin in the iv, I was going to be put on a baby monitor and not going to be able to move around or anything. I told the nurse that I knew I wouldn't be able to do some of the things that I had put on my birthing plan.
At about 11, I finally asked for an epidural which was about the time, Jesse decided to go home and check on the dog and grab a bite to eat. I have no clue what I was dialated to but I remember that it hurt so bad to be on my back to see. My mother, who I had been on and off the phone with all morning, arrived at 11:30 just as the epidural was being done. She tried to hold my hand but I didn't let her. I just clung to the little table that I was bent over and let the person do their job. I was kept on the monitor and I don't remember at what time I started pushing. I think I probably spent maybe an hour to an hour and half pushing. My mom was worried the doctor wasn't going to make it in time. I remember nurses calling the doctor and he told them to do this and that. I surprised the doctor by how fast Savanna came and told me after I had her that I was great and a trooper.
So I have to say overall, I had a pretty good delivery. I will never forget what it felt like for Savanna to come out and when she was finally laid on my stomach still goobered and beautiful. I do have to congratulate my mother for being able to stay in the room the entire time for she had told me afterwards that if I had been in pain she would have left. As I'm writing this and thinking about what she had said, I don't think she would have liked to see me in pain.
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