Monday, January 16, 2012

Reading Magazines and Books

So I read whatever I can about babies.  I have learned alot through doing this but also have learned that there are some things that will never apply or just no good information to my daughter and I.  Whenever I'm talking to my babysitter, sometimes I will mention what I have read and she told me once, "You read too much."  So with my talking to her, I've learn many things that magazines and books will never tell you.  

With teething, doctors will tell teething doesn't cause diaper rashes.  You talk to someone else, they will tell you teething does.  You may get told that the top teeth will come in first.  For a baby, the bottom teeth will come in first.  For the little things, it's ok if the information isn't accurate.

A few weeks ago, I was telling my babysitter all that I read about breast feeding and how long the milk is good for.  But in my reading, I have seen contradicting information.  I was told that fresh breast milk is good for about 24 hours.  I had read somewhere that it was good for 3-4 days.  It's just interesting to me, how I can read one thing and be told another.  

And so in my search to learn how to write and try to make some money at it, (I'm really not going to lie), I want my writing to benificial for people.  Even if it is some grandma of a new grandchild, I want the person who ever is reading it, be able to take something from it.  For a person who read whatever she could find on breastfeeding and then about babycare, I was able to walk away from the article knowing something knew or had  new idea to try with Savanna.

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