Monday, January 16, 2012

Nintendo ds Lite

I honestly love having my ds lite.  I bought it at a local pawn shop of mine when I was finally able to one for a good price.  It's not like the DS i's, DS i xl or the DS 3d that has all the apps and wifi equip but it can do one thing these other games systems can't.  They can't play the game boy advance games.  While the DS lite can't play the old version of the game boy games, they at least play DS games as well.  I know it doesn't have the camera and the funny photo app where you can't distort, stamp or add clipart but I love being able to play 2 types of games.  I have a camera and computer where I can take and edit my pictures however I want.
My step-daughter has mentioned in the past that even though she has a nintendo DSi, she wishes hers could play the gameboy games.  Course I asked her tonight her opinion on it.  I asked her, "If you could have any DS game system, which one would she want."  She replied to me. "DS xL."  I'm thinking though it is because she saw one that a friend of hers owned.  But she has mentioned to my boyfriend that wished she had a DS like mine so she could play the game boy advance games.
I own some thinking games like BrainAge and Big brain but I have some of the games like Bejewel Twist and Pirates of the Carribbean that are for DS.  Izabella's favorite games include Mario, Barbie and Tinkerbell.  She wishes she could play some of the older Mario games that I have, Spongebob and Monster house.
Now I know some of you older people are thinking all the games i have mentioned don't sound like something you would play.  I visited my neighbor the other night.  I walked into her house and she told me that her husband and her grandaughter got her a nintendo 3D for christmas.    Now keep in mind this lady is in her 50's.  She proceded to tell me that she was playing Brain Age which I told her that I own that game.  She seemed to like it for that game also included Suduko.  Course there was another game that came on the system where you shot heads of people that you could take picsutes of.  We proceded to take apicture of my daughter so she could show me how this game worked.  I stood in her kitchen while she is holding my daughter and I'm moving around with the game system shooting balls at heads that contained my neighbor's head.  I beat the round and I then start shooting a head that contained my daugher's head.  It was quite a cute game.

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