Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How To Give Baby A Bath

Until the cord stump falls off and the circumcision and belly button heals, a sponge bath will be needed.  The baby can't be bathed more than 2-3 times a week because if more often the baby's skin can dry out too much.  At about 6 months, the baby can be bathe more often.

When getting the bath ready for the baby, make sure to have all of your supplies within reach.  Put about 2-3 inches of water in the bottom of the sink or baby tub.  Babies cool off faster than us so much to sure to put her straight in the water and keep her warm by pouring water over her with water from a cup or by ringing a wash clothe over her.  Make sure to keep the water away from her face.  

Wash her hair with a wash clothe or a soft brush and make sure to even go over the soft spot.  If is recommended to washing the body from the head down.  The last step for bathing is taking a cotton ball and washing the eyes inside out.

After the bath is done, wrap the baby's head and body up in a towel.  You can set the towel up on a counter, so it's ready to put the baby on it.

From BabyTalk Dec/Jan 2012

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