Saturday, November 24, 2012

Writing My Book Reviews

I'm taking my role as writing book reviews seriously and I really want to help people.  I was the girl in high school that was asked by people for my opinion on books for various classes.  I swear if you just went by what I required to read  by standards for high school English or language arts, in four years, I probably read at least 200 books for school.  I wasn't the type though to not read other than just what was required.  My high school had this book system to where you would read books and then take tests over them.  Depending on the book's reading level, length of book and how well you did on the test, depended on how many points you were given for reading that book.  This was all done on computer using Accelerated Reader.  I remember having competitions with a few other kids for the most points.  

I don't care to read non-fiction but will every once in awhile.  I recently read a book about Alzheimer's and it was pretty good for non-fiction.  I enjoy a lot of fiction and almost just about anything.  There is probably some of it that I don't care to read but at the moment, I can't think of any.  Course there is that book "The Old Man and Sea" that I didn't care for.  Biographies are okay depending on the person.  The only biography that I can remember reading was on James Cooper who was the author of "The Last of the Mohicans" which is now a movie and I have neither seen nor read either.

Back in high school, my senior, me being the one who was always good at reading....Had to take a reading class and I was taking College English 101 that same semester.  An easy A to say the least.  One thing though that I remember was going around the classroom and we had to say who our favorite author was.  Some people mentioned some but I said that I didn't have a favorite author.  My teacher said that was a good quality in a reader.  I guess because if you are truly a reader, you should be open to new things?  I don't know but it sounds good to me.

Reading has always been an escape and a way to get out of doing some stuff like watching football and basketball games and the only way I got to stay up late without keeping my parents awake with noise.  I have to say I have read about 5000 books and no lie.  I just need a way to keep track of books I have read...Goodreads?

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