Friday, January 20, 2012

My Reasons For Breast Feeding

I breastfeed my daughter.  We are now going on 8 months of doing it and at this point I have yet to give her formula.  It wasn't easy at first and to be honest it was a little bit embarrassing to me.  To be honest, it wasn't until the past few months I have gotten over being embarrassed hence me writing this article.

There were a few reasons that went into making this decision.  Probably the number one reason is the cost of formula.  Yes there are government assistance but even from people I have spoken to told me when their baby got to be a little older, sometimes they would have to buy another container of formula or so every month out of their pocket.

Another reason I chose to  go with breastfeeding had to do with the fact that it cuts the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.  The longer you go breast feeding the lower you reduce your risk.

With breast feeding, I have enjoyed a little more sleep at night but not much.  I still have to get with my daughter and feed but I don't have to take the time to mix up a bottle and feed it to her.  I maybe get 5-15 minutes more of sleep with breast feeding each time I get up with her.  I also don't have to listen to her cry.  As she has gotten older, I don't bother changing her diaper in the middle of the night so that cuts out another 5-10 minutes that I would otherwise have to spend doing that.

I have enjoyed breast feeding.  I have seen the results as Savanna had doubled her weight by 3-4 months which normally doesn't occur until about 5-6 months.  I have noticed the time that it takes for me to feed her.  Yes it may take a little longer but it's a great excuse to get out of cooking supper or doing dishes.  My boyfriend has been really supportive of it with me and he is even glad that I was able to feed Savanna in this way.  It's hard work and there were times that it was hard.  It's really not for the faint in heart or for people who don't have a lot of support.

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