Friday, February 17, 2012

Babies and Animals

I hated when people told me to worry about my cat and that I might have to give her up.  This being based on the fact that it had be known for cats to be attracted to the milk breath of the baby and the cat laying on the baby.  I was also dreading the possibility of Savanna being allergic.  I never once had to worry about my cat though.  Before we had Savanna, I let her sleep in the bassinet and when the crib was put up, I let her sleep in that as well.  That changed when Savanna came along.  Pandora wasn't allowed to sleep in those things.  When Pan, as she is nicknamed, would jump into the crib with Savanna, we made her get out.  This was of course after taking pictures which I could not resist at 3 AM.  But even when she jumped into the crib, she never once laid on top of Savanna.  She laid kind of near Savanna but either at the head or feet of Savanna.  

As Savanna has gotten older, I have let Pan lay with Savanna.  I think it was like a couple weeks ago, I laid a sleeping Savanna next to a sleeping Pan.  Pan got out of the crib when Savanna pounced after Savanna had woken up from her nap but I also know, I don't have to worry about Savanna at this point with Pan attacking.  Pan knows well enough just to get up and walk away, which is nice.  It might have helped that Pan has had kittens for she seems to have some kind of patience.

When Savanna was born, I took a couple of receiving blankets with me to the hospital.  I had to take two blankets because my dog Miley was staying with friend of ours.  One of the blankets came home to Pan and the other went to Miley.  I really don't know if that helped but that is what we did so Pandora and Miley could smell Savanna's scent.  I had wrapped both blankets, (at different times) around Savanna while at the hospital.  I had heard this tip from a person.

I have to say, Savanna has enjoyed Pan.  They play while Savanna is standing next to a chair and Pandora is sprawled out in a chair.  (Pan has seemed to take a liking to this one chair lately.)  When Savanna starts getting too rough or Pandora gets annoyed, Pandora jumps over the baby gate into the kitchen and Savanna tries to follow her.  Now just to get Savanna to say kitty.  That would be nice!

The 3 pictures above were taken when Savanna was less than a month.

Savanna was about 2 mths old and pic was taken on my bed.

Savanna was about 3 mths old and this was taken on my bed.

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